- Q:An exact date of delivery of order?
Our flash delivery section orders take up to 4-6 working days max whereas, the pre-order delivery section orders can take up to 18-21 working days however the time can be affected or delayed in case of weather conditions, given covid19 situation, nation wide strikes or national emergency situation. We will continue improving the delivery times.
- Q:How to place any order?
You can easily place an order from our website by selecting your item and then by clicking the ‘buy it now’ option following that, you need to provide the required info and then continue to check out.
- Q:Can I track my order?
Once your order has been dispatched from our end the courier will then send you the tracking code or an update of the shipment.
- Q:How to confirm my order?
Once your order has been completed and checked out, you will then receive a confirmation text via SMS or e-mail.
- Q:How to reserve an order from our pre-order section?
If our valuable customers check out an order from our pre-order section, we would like to take at least 20% advance just for the sake of security. Since our products are being imported from abroad, it costs us extra charges in lieu of manufacturing vendors cost, delivery charges & fluctuations in euro currency and custom bills.
Official Banking Details
- Account Title : 02 Clothing Studio
- Account Number : 0917-0106316900
- IBAN : PK46 MEZN 0009 1701 0631 6900
Our official bank account is regulated under FBR and section 58 of Act 1932.
- Q:What is your replacement or exchange policy?
For pre-order delivery section, return or exchange is not applicable. Kindly double check your sizes properly from the updated size charts before checking out.